Arduino Yun – First Thoughts

Hello people, today we are talking about the arduino yun.  It seems that 2014 is the year for the microcontroller, microcomputer, and wifi to all have an orgy.  The three are becoming a must have for hobbyists and people would love an all in one board that is small, and the companies have caught on.  Let the race begin.

I spoke about the intel edison last post, now let me introduce arduino’s competitor, and current winner, because it is for sale.  This credit card sized board has basically an arduino uno, wifi, and a linux like computer for the wifi and other capabilities.  It has a sd card holder for storage, and a micro usb and ethernet.  It doesn’t have an hdmi port.  That plus memory is its one flaw. I guess the sd is okay, but id rather have a better base and then be able to use sd on top of this.  The yun is recommended to not use its storage on the board due to a limited read and writes.  In my opinion, the yun is sweet.  It may be a little pricey, but for a slick all in one solution, it looks like it’ll be great.  I am going to order one, and I will post more.  I know its expensive, but def worth it, some of you hobbyists out there too peasant like, man up, make it count.    pic above is from google.