Salesforce Developer Support – Dev Success Center

Lately, I’ve been putting all I got into work. It’s what I am focused on and I want to progress my career. I am been hard at work with customers, logging bugs with R&D and doing my best to get involved with the platform. I really enjoy writing code, and from time to time I need to break out of my work routine and work on a project. I have done a few things collaborating with co-workers:
– Org Limits Salesforce Package – read about it here
– Improved two chrome app’s to help managers productivity

But the latest project is a little different. I started the project’s development, and built the entire site/system. I have to credit my co-workers and an awesome worker Cesar for helping with ideas and adding content, but I am a bit more proud of this project because I got to write all the code.

The project is the Dev Success Center. It’s a salesforce site hosted internally for developer support engineer and other salesforce employees to use to debug issues on the platform. It is aimed towards newer workers that are still getting the hang of the platform. It organizes the subjects of the platform with the tools used to debug the issues, with some cool features and endless possibilities. It looks for known issues and bugs that are filed on the platform and organizes them with the subject they are related to. It is backed with a Salesforce instance, and is very easy to add content to. It is just the beginning, but it was fun to make and I figured I would share what I am doing, and what is looks like.

Take a look (click on the images):

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My favorite parts about it is the use of The Lightning Design System a modern css library Salesforce recently released, much like twitter Bootstrap. It is a neat css library, with a heavy emphasis on svg icons/images.

Well that is all for now. I hope one day I get the time and access to beaf this site up. With access to splunk, this site could be very powerful.