San Diego Fishermen Web Project v0

So my good friend and college fishing pal spoke to me a few months back about starting his own commercial fishing business down in San Diego. I loved the idea, and his pitch made it even better. He is after restaurants, and wants to deliver the freshest fish to them in a local sustainable manner. The idea is awesome, and he is the the best fishermen I know to execute something like this. He and his gang (not really a gang) down there catch more fish than most people in the area, and they will not disappoint the restaurants they serve. I can’t wait to see how they do, and to go visit them this summer and rope some yellowtail.

This first site I threw up for they is very basic, just a bootstrap intro template with some font awesome icons and a little js to add to the experience. They really just wanted something that would prove they are legit, and they needed it fast, this was done in 30 minutes (buy domain –> live). It also was pretty much free due to 1&1 hooking up a free domain to an existing server I have, and an apache vm I was running on it (no server work!). So they were happy about that, but I hope that things progress in their business and they want to add some more functionality. I know they style will change as I get my hands on more of their media, but I love fishing and would love to add some more app like capabilities to the site to relay recent catches to their customers or something.

Check out the site and go buy some fish from San Diego Fresh Catch!!!